Work undertaken for the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA):

24 missions and workshops:
Azerbaijan: Two Expert Missions to Review the plans and make recommendations on the disposal of NORM waste; and to Assist the regulatory authority in the development of remediation criteria;
Brazil: Expert Mission to Report on the Practical cases of NORM transport problems and solutions and NORM waste and residue management (NORM-VIII Congress).;
Cameroon: Expert Mission to Assist in the assessment of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in mining industries;
Hungary: Regional Training Course on the Use of portable instrumentation and laboratory analyses for NORM measurements;
Kazakhstan: Expert Mission to Evaluate participating radioanalytical laboratories;
Kyrgyzstan: Three National Workshops on Compliance monitoring, regulatory basis and practical application of regulations; on Practical intervention techniques to reduce public doses at uranium mining and processing legacy sites; and on Review of remediation plans and activities for uranium mining and processing sites;
Malaysia: Expert Mission on Radioactive waste and spent fuel management policy and strategy development, to guide national authorities on NORM waste management and provide technical support on NORM related aspects (technical and technology);
Mongolia: Two National Training Courses on Nuclear industry safety and security, particularly focused at best practice in the uranium production cycle and on Licensing and inspection of in-situ leaching uranium mining and processing activities;
Namibia: Three Regional Training Courses on Chronic exposure scenarios (NORM, past practices, radon) and remediation strategies; on Application of waste/residue management and remediation technologies in NORM industries and NORM contaminated areas; and on Authorisation and inspection of uranium mining and processing activities;
Syria: Regional Training Course on Developing of safe NORM waste disposal technology and long term repository designs;
South Africa: Regional Training Course on Authorisation and inspection of uranium mining and processing activities;
Sri Lanka: Regional Workshop on Occupational radiation protection in the mining and processing of ores;
Tajikistan: Two National Workshops on Practical intervention techniques to reduce public doses at uranium mining and processing legacy sites; and on Review of remediation plans and activities for uranium mining and processing sites;
Tanzania: National Training Course on Authorisation and inspection of uranium mining and processing activities and an Expert Mission on Licensing of Uranium mining activities;
Ukraine: Expert Mission to Assist regulatory authorities in the development of strategies for remediation of uranium legacy sites;
United Arab Emirates: Regional Training Course on NORM in oil and gas industry;
USA: Expert Mission to Report on the Harmonisation of approaches and methods for NORM management and provide guidance in their application (NORM-IX Congress).;
Zambia: Expert Mission to Coordinate and supervise field sampling campaign in the implementation of monitoring programs.
34 meetings and workshops at the IAEA in Vienna:
Meeting on the Development of the Safety Report on Radiation protection and NORM residue management in the zircon and zirconia industries;
Two meetings on the Development of the Safety Report on Radiation protection and NORM residue management in the production of rare earths from thorium containing minerals;
Two meetings on the preparation of Document on the Assessment and proposals for uranium production legacy sites in Central Asia;
Three meetings on the Development of a Technical Document on the management of NORM waste;
Regional Training Course on Safety assessment and regulatory framework for NORM;
Six meetings on the Development of training material for uranium exploration, and the development and the siting and design of uranium tailings facilities;
Regional Workshop on the Radiation safety aspects of uranium exploration and mine development for regulators from newcomer countries;
Task Force Meeting on Developing guidelines for authorisation and inspection of uranium mining and processing in Africa;
Workshop on the Disposal of large volumes of radioactive waste;
Meeting on the Establishment of a framework for the development of technical document on the review of remediation plans and delivery of training courses;
Meeting on the Development of training material for the practical intervention techniques to reduce public doses;
Meeting to Review the package of training materials on practical intervention techniques to reduce public doses and on the review of remediation plans;
Technical Meeting to Present and review the training materials on practical intervention techniques to reduce public doses and on the review of remediation plans and activities at uranium mining and processing legacy sites;
Four meetings on Drafting of model regulations for the control of public exposure and radioactive discharges;
Meeting to Develop training materials for the decommissioning, closure and long-term monitoring and surveillance of uranium mining and processing facilities;
Meeting to Review the package of training materials and the draft technical document on siting and design considerations of modern uranium processing tailings storage facilities;
Regional Meeting on the Prevention of future legacy sites in uranium mining and processing;
Meeting to Review and finalise all documents and training materials produced for uranium legacy sites;
Technical Meeting to Discuss a draft document with model regulations on the control of public exposure for facilities and activities involving uranium and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM);
Regional Training Workshop on the Review of remediation plans and activities for uranium mining and processing sites;
Meeting to Develop guidance material supporting safety standards applicable to the coal industry.
Meeting to Develop guidance document on the safe transport of naturally occurring radioactive material produced by mining and processing.
23 home-based assignments:
Preparation of the documentation for the Development of the Safety Report on Radiation protection and NORM residue management in the zircon and zirconia industries;
Preparation of the documentation for the Report on the Assessment and proposals for uranium production legacy sites in Central Asia;
Preparation of documentation and presentations for the Workshop on the Radiation safety aspects of uranium exploration and mine development for regulators from newcomer countries;
Development of Regulatory criteria for radiological monitoring at uranium legacy sites in the Kyrgyz Republic;
Development of the Training material for national and regional training courses on authorisation and inspection of uranium mining and processing activities in Africa;
Development of draft Training material for implementing integrated programmes for the remediation of the areas affected by uranium mining, translations of all materials from Russian to English;
Three assignments on the Development of training materials for exploration and operation of uranium mining and processing sites;
Two assignments on the Development of training material for the review of remediation plans and activities for uranium mining and processing sites, and on the Incorporation of agreed revisions into the final package of training materials;
Development of training material for the Practical intervention techniques to reduce public doses;
Development of lecture notes for the Regional training courses for the authorisation and inspection of the uranium mining and processing in Africa;
Drafting of the technical document on Siting and design considerations of modern uranium processing tailings storage facilities;
Review of the package of training materials on Authorisation and inspection of uranium mining and processing activities;
Preparation of the Model regulations on the control of public exposure for facilities and activities involving uranium and naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM);
Review and finalisation of all Documents and training materials produced for uranium legacy sites;
Four assignments on the Development and translation of training materials for uranium legacy sites from English into Russian, for the delivery of training in Central Asia;
Preparation of presentations and exercises for the Regional workshop on the regulation of the safe transport of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material associated with mining and processing;
Coordinated Research Project on Application of NORM industry transport experience and data to improve security assessments of radiation portal monitor alarms, part of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project Improved assessment of initial alarms from radiation detection instruments.
- Coordinated Research Project on Application of NORM industry transport experience and data to improve assessments of radiation portal monitors, update of TRACE database and development of training materials for Front Line Officers, part of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project on Facilitation of safe and secure trade using nuclear detection technology - detection of radionuclides and other contraband .
Drafting and review of documents (more in draft form):
Technical Document (limited distribution), Assessment and proposals for uranium production legacy sites in Central Asia: an international approach, 2010;