Please note that the list below includes some work for the UN/IAEA, described in the separate section of the website.
27 mining and mineral processing companies:
Heavy mineral sands, uranium,
niobium, rare earths, coal, oil & gas, titanium pigment,
zirconium, phosphate, gold
Cameroon, China, Gabon, Japan,
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa,
Syria, Tanzania, Ukraine, Zambia
Development of radiation management plans and standard operating procedures, training of personnel, preparation of internal and external reports, creation of monitoring databases;
Pre-operational (baseline) and operational radiation monitoring: gamma radiation levels, radon and thoron, monitoring of ground and surface waters, analysis of dust filters for gross alpha activity concentrations, advice on the management of radiation density gauges;
Modelling of radiation exposures of workers and members of the public, modelling of environmental impacts, advice on all pre-operational radiation monitoring and management, review of documents, meetings with the communities and government departments, complete audits of radiation monitoring and management at mining and mineral processing operations;
Development of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for different minerals and concentrates, studies of national and international regulations and guidelines applicable to a specific NORM in different countries.
2 mineral and radiochemical laboratories:
Kazakhstan, South Africa
- Advice on the methods of analysis for radionuclides and on reporting of the results.
27 transport organisations and logistics companies:
7 port authorities, 6 airports,
5 airlines, 9 shipping agents
China, Japan, Malaysia, Kenya,
Advice on transport and storage of NORM, on security screening and other relevant procedures
3 environmental service and public relations companies:
Hungary, Malaysia-
Advice on radiation monitoring and management of NORM and on the different approaches to public engagement.
25 government departments and organisations:
Azerbaijan, Cameroon, China, Gabon, Greece, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Namibia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Zambia
Advice on radiation protection regulations and guidelines, national and international transport, import and export of NORM, assessment of doses for workers and the public, environmental impact assessments;
Complete radiation protection audits of radiologically contaminated sites in a country, and of radiation monitoring systems and strategies.
8 scientific, research and educational institutions:
Brazil, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Poland, Ukraine, Zambia
Development, review and advice on NORM regulations and guidelines and on the classification of radiologically contaminated sites, development of NORM databases;
Advice on research into NORM and on the transport of mineral concentrates, cooperation in international studies of NORM transport.
5 non-for profit organisations and industry associations:
Belgium, China, UK, USA, Zambia
Advice on NORM regulations and guidelines, assessment of mining, processing and tranport proposals, review of published reports and documents. Research into speific NORM considerations for different industries.