Travel details
Departute station, time
Arrival station, time
Osaka Bay Tower Hotel to:
Lake Tazawa
Bentencho, 05:51 JR Osaka Loop Line Osaka, 06:00
Osaka, 06:12 JR Kyoto Line Shin-Osaka, 06:16
Shin-Osaka, 06:27 Shinkansen Hikari 506 Tokyo, 09:40
Tokyo, 09:56 Shinkansen Komachi 21 Tazawako, 13:00
Taxi arond the lake
Tazawako, 16:03 Shinkansen Komachi 22 Tokyo, 19:08
Distance travelled: 2,304 km Tokyo, 19:33 Shinkansen Hikari 527 Shin-Osaka, 22:46
Total travel time: 16 hrs 02 min Shin-Osaka, 22:58 JR Kyoto Line Osaka, 23:02
Cost of travel: ¥77,320 (~$967) Osaka, 23:10 JR Yamatoji Line Bentencho, 23:17
Lake Tazawa (田沢湖) is the deepest lake in Japan (423 m) with the bronze statue of the legendary Princess Tatsuko standing on the western shore being a symbol of the lake. The great help was provided by this website, where I found all the information I needed in English. The Tazawa-kohan bus terminal near the lake is about 15-20 minutes by bus from Tazawako JR station. There are also rental bicycles available and to hire one was my initial intention. However, given the very limited time I've had - I decided to take a taxi from the JR station to take me around the lake and to stop at all famous sights. The ¥12,000 that I paid were absolutely worth it - I, honestly, do not see how one can ride around the lake in "1.5 to 2 hours", as some websites suggested... Unless you are pedalling like mad without stopping, probably... The use of the taxi not only allowed me to see everything I wanted but also allowed the time for the ride on a cruise boat (operates four times a day from Shirahama, near Tazawa-kohan bus terminal) - so I actually managed to see Lake Tazawa sights twice: both from the shore and from the lake.
Please note that this was the longest distance I've travelled in one day and to get to Tazawako without a JR pass it would actually be cheaper (and, of course, faster) to fly from Osaka to Akita, followed by only one hour travel on shinkansen. As I did have a JR pass - this day has also presented an opportunity to catch up on a lot of work...
Hamasaki Ayumi site