23, 5 December 2010
Abteilung Strahlenschutz, Bundesamtes für Gesundheit | |
Atomenergie CH & ASPEA - Swiss Atomic Energy Association (German/French) | |
CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Research | |
Commission for Radioprotection in Switzerland | |
Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory University of Neuchâtel | |
Federal Office for Energy | |
German-Swiss Radiation Protection Association (German/English) | |
Institut Universitaire de Radiophsique Appliquee Universitè de Lausanne | |
Ionising radiation and Radioactivity Federal Office for Metrology | |
Labor Spiez | |
Nagra | |
Paul Scherrer Institute | |
Sektion Überwachung der Radioaktivität Universität Fribourg | |
Schweizerischen Berufsverband für Medizinphysikerinnen und Medizinphysiker | |
Société Suisse de Médicine Nucléaire | |
Swiss Nuclear Safety Inspectorate | |
Swiss Nuclear Society | |
Swiss Society of Radiobiology & Medical Physics (German/Italian/English) | |
Swiss Society of Radiology | |
Many thanks to André Herrmann for the additions to this page |