Travel details
Departute station, time
Arrival station, time
Osaka Bay Tower Hotel to:
Yokkaichi and Hikone
Bentencho, 05:30 JR Osaka Loop Line Osaka, 05:39
Osaka, 05:46 JR Kyoto Line Shin-Osaka, 05:50
Shin-Osaka, 06:08 Shinkansen Hikari 504 Nagoya, 07:17
Nagoya, 07:27 JR Kansai Line Yokkaichi, 08:21
Yokkaichi, 11:24 JR Rapid Mie Service Nagoya, 11:58
Nagoya, 12:11 Shinkansen Hikari 467 Shin-Osaka, 13:03
Shin-Osaka, 14:13 Shinkasen Hikari 520 Maibara, 14:49
Maibara, 14:59 JR Biwako Line Hikone, 15:04
Hikone, 19:00 JR Biwako Line Maibara, 19:05
Distance travelled: 691 km Maibara, 19:07 Shinkansen Kodama 669 Shin-Osaka, 19:54
Total travel time: 6 hrs 47 min Shin-Osaka, 20:09 JR Special Rapid Service Osaka, 20:13
Cost of travel: ¥32,750 (~$409) Osaka, 20:16 JR Yamatoji Line Bentencho, 20:26
Yokkaichi (四日市市) is a relatively small town to the east of Osaka and to the south of Nagoya. I had to go to the port there on business, then walked around the streets of the town and had a very nice lunch and coffee in a quiet cafe under the cherry blossoms... If you would like to see a typical pleasant Japanese town - Yokkaichi is the place.
Hikone (彦根) is a nice town on the eastern shore of the Lake Biwa. The Hikone Castle that was built between 1603 and 1622 is not only one of the most beautiful ones - but it is also an original, and not a concrete reproduction like many others. On the way from the JR Station to the castle you will also see a relatively small but quite impressive World War II memorial and a shrine. After visiting the castle - allocate some time to visit a magnificent garden, where you can also have nice cup of Japanese tea with a cake...
Hamasaki Ayumi site