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The data below are the 'raw' extracts from the documents and/or papers. Please refer to the last column for the reference and obtain the full text if required. Please also let me know if there are any mistakes here. |
monazite sands
Along the Atlantic coast of South and Southeastern Brazil there are several beaches where heavy minerals form placer deposits (black sand) with high concentrations of natural radioactivity. In Brazil the exposure to natural radiation is considered to be therapeutic, since a physician introduced a treatment for arthritis and rheumatism based on the exposure to natural radiation. As a result thousands of tourists visit the beaches throughout the year, preferably around the city of Guarapari, where deposits of radioactive black sand frequently occur. The main source of gamma radiation is the frequently found mineral monazite ([Ce,La,Th]PO4) which may contain considerable amounts of U and Th. The measured absorbed dose rates on areas with black sand are up to a few hundred times higher than the background values. A comparison of activity concentrations with data of tailings from a Czech uranium processing plant shows that the radium content of the monazite sand is higher than in these tailings, which are generally considered to be radiologically and environmentally harmful. |
monazite processing
Bioassays for Th of background population (Rio de Janeiro), workers and local population. Th concentrations in faeces of workers is 3.6 times higher than the average for inhabitants and 10 times higher than for background areas. |
monazite sands
Area of high natural radiation background in the North of Rio de Janeiro (large deposits of monazite sands), inhabitants of Buena are exposed to thorium through ingestion. The foodstuffs consumed by the population are basically composed of local products. A study that included the analysis of complete prepared meals has shown average concentrations of Th-232, Th-228, Ra-226 and Ra-228 of 12 mBq/kg fresh, 126 mBq/kg fresh, 167 Bq/kg fresh and 481 mBq/kg fresh, respectively. The results of the analyses of the urine and feces samples from volunteers have shown, in average, urine to feces excretion ratios for thorium higher than the predicted by ICRP models. The absorption of an element incorporated into food is higher than its ingestion in inorganic form. The use of standard parameters may lead to an underestimation of the internal radiation dose of the population. |
Union, thorium minerals and compounds
Minerals: monazite - (Ce,La,Nd,Th)PO4; bastnaesite (Ce,La, )(CO3)F. Monazite concentrate is obtained by gravimetric & electromagnetic separation from other heavy mineral sands. Strong acids or alkaline solutions are then used and lanthanides are precipitated. Bastnaesite ore concentrate is obtained by a wet process in which it is washed and separated in water. This concentrate is washed with hydrochloric acid and calcined in order to produce a crude oxide containing 90% of lanthanide oxides. Monazite concentrate, Th-232 chain: 8-3000 Bq/g, U-238 chain: 6-40 Bq/g. During the extraction process isotopes of radium are co-precipitated with barium sulphate to form a radium-bearing by-product (Ra-228 ~3000 Bq/g, Ra-226 ~450 Bq/g) Doses: Normal conditions, min act conc 0.002 mSv/y, Normal conditions, max act conc 3500.0 mSv/yr Unlikely conditions, min act conc 0.01 mSv/y, Unlikely conditions, max act conc 9800.0 mSv/yr Thorium compounds Decomposing concentrate with acids to produce thorium salts, these are raw materials for the metallic thorium. Use - thoriated tungsten welding electrodes, magnesium-thorium alloys for aerospace industry. Thorium nitrate - manufacture of gas mantles. Activity concentration of thoriated tungsten welding electrodes ~100 Bq/g of Th-232 &Th-228. Gas mantled contain ~ 1000 Bq of Th-232 and Th-228 each. Special alloys for jet engines may have an activity ~ 70 Bq/g Doses Normal conditions, min act conc 0.09 mSv/y, Normal conditions, max act conc 14.0 mSv/yr Unlikely conditions, min act conc 1.2 mSv/y, Unlikely conditions, max act conc 28.0 mSv/yr |
Rare earths in catalysts Catalyst for the oil industry - incorporating a rare earth mixture into a zeolyte, deposit of isotopes of radium in tanks and pipes. Thoriated tungsten welding electrodes The addition of thoria improves the striking performance of tungsten welding electrodes. Pure thoria used in their manufacture, use: electrodes need to be occasionally ground to restore a conical tip - possibility of dust generation. Thorium magnesium alloys for aero engine components Hardened light alloy. Typical concentrations (Bq/g): Thoria: Th-232 3600, Ra-228 1800; Thorium magnesium alloy: Th-232 160.0, Ra-228 80.0; Thoriated tungsten: Th-232 160.0, Ra-228 80.0. Estimated typical dose for working with Th/Mg alloys: 9.1 mSv/year. |
Germany, thoriated electrodes
Specific activity of Th-232 ranges from less than MDL (~0) for WT-10 to 149 Bq/g for WT-40 electrodes. Possible exposure would be in range 5 - 20 mSv/y. |
Australia, monazite separation
External gamma radiation Principal source Tl-208 from Th chain. Significant only when monazite is in relatively concentrated form. Separation plant 0.5-5.0 microGy/hr, monazite separation section up to 20-30 microGy/hr, centre of full bag store ~250 microGy/hr Internal exposure to dust (alpha) Typical numbers 0.1 Bq/m3, some above 1.0 Bq/m3 Surface contamination Settled dust or loose mineral. Potential contribution to external gamma exposure plus dust re-suspension. Radon/thoron + daughters Th in monazite is chemically bound within the grain. There is little opportunity for emanation. Thoron is particularly unlikely to escape due to its half life of 55 sec. Measurements made under worst case scenarios have indicated a thoron emanation rate of <1%. Routine monitoring results are consistently low, <0.005WL thoron daughters, <0.0005WL radon daughters - around natural background. Water contamination Levels are less than ones applicable for members of the public |
monazite separation |
monazite separation
Some workers may have been exposed over their employment to a mean committed effective dose from inhalation in excess of 50 mSv/yr (since mid-1970's) |
Australia, monazite separation
Study of historical radiation exposure measuring thoron in breath of 62 workers. 8 workers (13%) >20 mSv/yr for many years; 2 workers (3%) >50 mSv/yr for many years. |
monazite separation |
Australia, monazite separation |
Australia, monazite separation |
Australia, monazite separation |
Australia, monazite separation |
M-08 |
Radiobiological studies of workers involved in the extraction
and milling of monazite (Brazil. 300 workers, ~14 mSv/year external
dose) showed a significant difference in the proportion of chromosome
aberrations between the control group and employees working in the
physical/chemical treatment section of the plant. |
monazite separation |
monazite processing |
Monazite ore -
exposure pathways: (1) Gamma - external, (2) Dust re-suspension -
internal, (3) External beta risk to skin because of the energetic
beta emitters in Th ore (beta particles with energy >1 MeV emitted
by Ac-228, Bi-212, Tl-208). It can be shown that a contamination of
skin of 1 Bq/cm2 (gross beta) of Th ore can give rise to a beta dose
rate of 5 microGy/hr to the basal cells of the skin. |
monazite processing |
monazite processing |
rare earth metals production |
thorium glass mantles manufacture |
thoriated electrodes Thoriated electrodes are used in Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) shielded welding. Thorium is added to electrodes to facilitate arc-starting and to increase arc stability. Aerosols are emitted during welding, plus electrodes must be grinded to sharpen them, as only a sharp electrode will provide the desired quality. Specific activity of thorium is always less than 500 Bq/g. Personal and positional air monitoring and time-motion studies were carried out. Annual intake during grinding is in range between 0.02 and 30.2 Bq/year, annual intake during welding - between 0.07 and 144.0 Bq/yr, Total annual intake is in range from 0.09 to 150 Bq/yr. Assessment index was determined by dividing the intake by ALI (Annual Limit of Intake) and the results were in the range between 0.01 and 10.2. |
Malaysia Rare earth industry operated in Malaysia in the period 1982-1992 and there is a substantial amount of waste left: xenotime sludge (190 Bq/g of Ra-226, 250 Bq/g of Ra-228), thoria (0.45%U, 15%Th), lead cake (26 Bq/g of Ra-226, 350 Bq/g of Ra-228), tri-calcium phosphates (0.1 Bq/g of Ra-226, 0.6 Bq/g of Ra-228). Regulation - if the dose to the public < 1 mSv/y - disposal exempted from control. In practice, however, a dose constraint of 0.3 mSv/y is used. |
production of thoriated electrodes and lamps Depending on the type of industrial production and specific operational process such as sintering, pressing, grinding of wires or rods or mixing and filling powders, concentrations of Th-nat obtained were in the range of less than 1 mBq/m3 - 2500 mBq/m3, the latter ones arising from filling thorium/tungsten powder in the tubes used for pressing welding rods. The concentration limit for occupationally exposed persons with 50 mSv annual dose limit is 42 mBq/m3 for a 2000 working hours year. |
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