The need for the specific international publication dedicated to the radiation protection and regulatory issues associated with exposures of workers, general public and the environment in situations involving naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) has been identified more than twelve years ago.

In the 1990-s the journal entitled ‘The NORM Report' was published in the USA and mainly dealt with legislative updates in regards to NORM in different States and, at a later stage, Canada. The printed journal had a wide following among industries and regulatory authorities concerned with NORM. Unfortunately, the publishing ceased in early 2000-s with the passing of the editor, Dr. Peter Gray.

The was an idea to re-commence the publication of ‘The NORM Report' around 2008-2009, as an Internet-based publication that was intended to be a resource for:
•  Regulatory authorities to exchange information in regards to the ‘NORM-specific' regulations and guidelines applicable in their jurisdictions. They also would be able to collect details from authorities in other countries/states – to ensure the adoption of the most appropriate regulatory standards to similar levels of radiation exposure and the same industries world-wide (not only within the USA),
•  Researchers, who will be able to publish the results of their studies in a journal specifically dedicated to naturally occurring radioactive materials, and
•  Industries that use, process, and generate NORM – to facilitate the information exchange in regards to best practices in controlling radiation exposures and in the disposal or re-use of NORM-containing materials.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of both the time and the interest from the industry, the report will not be published. At least not in the near future...

Some of the old editions of The NORM Report are available for download:
winter 1992 (0.4 Mb)
fall 1992 (0.6 Mb)
winter 1993 (0.7 Mb)
spring 1993 (0.9 Mb)
summer 1993 (1.3 Mb)
fall 1993
winter 1994 (2.2 Mb)
spring 1994
summer 1994
fall 1994
winter 1995 (2.8 Mb)
spring 1995 (2.1 Mb)
summer 1995 (3.0 Mb)
fall 1995
winter 1996 (2.9 Mb)
spring 1996 (2.8 Mb)
summer 1996 (4.0 Mb)
fall 1996 (3.3 Mb)
winter 1997 (3.7 Mb)
spring 1997 (4.0 Mb)
summer 1997
fall 1997
winter 1998 (2.2 Mb)
spring 1998
summer 1998
fall 1998
winter 1999
spring 1999
summer 1999 (2.7 Mb)
fall 1999 (3.7 Mb)
winter 2000
spring 2000
summer 2000
fall 2000
winter 2001
spring 2001 (3.0 Mb)
summer 2001 (3.1 Mb)
fall 2001 (3.1 Mb)
winter 2002 (3.2 Mb)
spring 2000
If you have a copy of the journal that is not in the list above, it will be very much appreciated.
Nick Tsurikov